Gifted & Talented
My name is Amy Greenwood and I am the Gifted and Talented Coordinator here at Aurora Academy. I am so excited to be working with such an amazing group of students, staff and parents.
Vision and Mission Statement:
Aurora Academy Charter School is committed to an educational program that recognizes individual student differences, abilities, interests and needs. We are committed to providing our GT students with system of supports and programming that foster a safe learning environment where individual abilities and gifts can grow. Our goal is to ensure that all students will be given the opportunities that will challenge them and provide creative thinking experiences through a system of support, programming, and advocacy.
Identification process:
We identify students through a variety of criteria with numerous data points:
- All second and seventh graders will be screened for gifted and talented services
- Identification process may include a review of test scores, and parent, teacher, or self-nomination
- A potential student needs to score at the 95th percentile or above on the Cognitive Test
- A potential student needs to have a combination of 3 other points in the categories of Criterion- or Norm-referenced Achievement Test, Norm-referenced Observation Scale, or Performance Evaluation
- The results of this test will be used to help identify abilities and aptitudes in our students and can be used to make programming and curricular adjustments for all students
- Parents will be notified within thirty calendar days of their child’s test result