Medication Policies
A student who has a prescription from a qualified health-care provider for medically necessary treatment will receive such treatment in the school setting as required by applicable federal and state laws.
Over-the-Counter (OTC) Medication:
The health office at Aurora Academy does not supply over-the-counter medication for students (such as Tylenol, Motrin, or Benadryl). If over-the-counter medication is needed at school, the Permission To Administer Medication at School Form (available on the Aurora Academy website) must be completed by an authorized medical provider, and signed by a parent/guardian. OTC medication must be supplied by the family and labeled with the child's name. Dosage must match the provider authorization dose noted on the form, and medicine must be packaged in the original container.
Prescription Medications:
If prescription medication is needed at school, families must supply it for their child. The Permission To Administer Medication at School Form (available on the Aurora Academy website) must be completed by an authorized medical provider, and signed by a parent/guardian. Prescription medications must come in a container labeled with the child's name, name of medicine, time medicine is to be given, dosage, route, date medicine is to be stopped, and licensed Health Care Provider’s name. Pharmacy name and phone number must also be included on the label.
Student self-carry medication.
No student may self-administer any medication (over-the-counter or prescription),
including any ointments, spray, cold medicine, or pain medication. These are the two exceptions:
● Students wishing to carry asthma medication (inhalers) must follow self carry
procedures and have written permission from the registered Nurse assigned to
our school. You may download an Asthma Care Plan from our website to begin
this process.
● Middle school students (6 th – 8 th grade) may carry and self-administer cough
drops only; these may not be shared. The school reserves the right to monitor
and respond to excessive use of cough drops; the Health Para will contact
parents in such cases.
When Over-the-Counter or Prescription medication needs to be administered, please download and complete the form below.
A Permission For Medication