Hello AACS Families
Quarter 3, Week 6: It's Parent/Teacher conference week and progress grades are posted. I will be available to talk with families for conferences on a drop by basis should you have any questions or concerns or you want to see your child's artwork and portfolio.
6th graders have been learning about Roman Art and created an amazing depiction of the Roman Colosseum. 7th grade finished their Matisse styled design of a window scene and created Valentine Themed Heart painting. Elementary classes are still enthusiastically engaged in Valentine's themed projects. I'm very excited to hang all the amazing work on the hallway walls.
There will be a Glow Show on Fine Arts Night in March that will showcase art that we worked on all year.
I will be saving some exceptional work for the Spring District Art Show that will be held at Aurora Town Center in April.
We use Core Knowledge Curriculum and themed projects that will be covered based grade level and Colorado Visual Standards.
Grades are posted weekly; please check Infinite Campus for updates.
All art projects are graded based on the Project Criteria Rubric consisting of 4 categories:
Craftsmanship 25%
Concern for final appearance is evident and does not appear rushed.
Creativity/Originality 25%
Design is individually created and not copied from sample or another student
Assignment Criteria 25%
Art displays the specific, vocabulary, style and technique targeted for the project
Work Attitude/ Time on task 25%
Work shows focus and effort and use of the Growth Mind Set of positive self-talk.
For a total of 100%
Art projects that are now due and will appear Infinite Campus:
7th Quarter 3: Folder Design, Neon Iguana painting, Matisse Window scene, and Nuerographic Heart Painting.
6th: Quarter 2: Folder Design, Beetle painting, Greek Vases with Mythological Creature, Roman Colosseum drawing, and Radial Design Rose Window.
4th 3rd quarter: Gnome Snow Globe, and Zentangle Hearts.
3rd: 2nd quarter: Snowman Snow Globe, Symmetrical Faux Stained Hearts.
2nd grade: Winter beverages on patterned background, Heart design.
1st: Neon Butterflies and Heart themed art.
Kinder: Winter Self-portraits with textured background, and Warm/Cool Hearts, Color Mouse.
All students work and portfolios will be returned by the end of the school year.
If you have any questions, email me at
Mrs. Daly