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Clothes to Kids of Denver

For more information on this program see flyers below or download the flyers:

Clothes To Kids Information Flyer

Clothes To Kids of Denver is here to help! In case you aren’t familiar with us, we provide every shopper with 5 outfits, 1 coat, 1 pair of shoes, 1 bra (optional) and 5 pairs each of new underwear and new socks, all for FREE. Students ages 3-21 (enrolled in preschool-12th grade or pursuing a GED) can visit twice per year as long as they qualify.

Curbside & In-Person Service Available
We are very excited to have in person shoppers in our store. For families who would prefer a contactless option, we are offering wardrobes via Curbside Service. This option enables parents and caregivers to request a wardrobe for any student in need, and our staff will shop on their behalf.

How to Make an Appointment
Families wishing to shop in person or request a wardrobe for pick-up should call us at 720-379-4630 or email us at for an appointment. Up-to-date phone hours are on the Shop With Us page of our website.

Please Spread the Word!
I have attached a flyer you can use to share this information with your school communities. Print double-sided for Spanish/English on one sheet.

Please reply to this email, or visit:
Katie Jones Jadwin
Communications Director
Clothes To Kids of Denver