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National Junior Honor Society

NJHS in Action

Selection Criteria & Membership in NJHS for Aurora Academy Charter School

The NJHS chapter establishes rules for membership that are based upon a student's outstanding performance in the areas of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. These five criteria for selection form the foundation upon which the organization and its activities are built.

Scholarship:  Students who have a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 set by the school's Faculty Council meet the scholarship requirement for membership. These students are then eligible for consideration on the basis of service, leadership, and character.

Service:  This quality is defined through the voluntary contributions made by a student to the school or community, done without compensation and with a positive, courteous, and enthusiastic spirit.

Leadership:  Student leaders are those who are resourceful, good problem solvers, promoters of school activities, idea-contributors, dependable, and persons who exemplify positive attitudes about life. Leadership experiences can be drawn from school or community activity while working with or for others.

Character:  The student of good character upholds principles of morality and ethics, is cooperative, demonstrates high standards of honesty and reliability, shows courtesy, concern and respect for others and generally maintains a good and clean lifestyle.

Citizenship:  The student understands the importance of civic involvement, has a high regard for freedom, justice, and respect of the American form of government. Student demonstrates mature participation and responsibility through involvement with such activities as scouting, community organizations, and school clubs.

Selection Procedure

For many students, selection as a member of NJHS is the pinnacle of their achievement in school. This honor, recognized throughout the nation, is both the public recognition of accomplishment and the private commitment to continued excellence on the part of the new member. Because of the importance placed upon this aspect of secondary school life, local chapters are charged with creating a selection process that conforms to national guidelines, is applied fairly and consistently to all candidates, and provides a meaningful recognition of deserving students.

Selection to NJHS is a privilege, not a right. Students do not apply for membership in NHS and NJHS; instead, they provide information to be used by the local selection committee to support their candidacy for membership. Membership is granted only to those students selected by the Faculty Council. This is not an election, nor is membership automatically conveyed simply because a student has achieved a specified level of academic performance.  NJHS is more than just an honor roll and the extent to which the local chapter emphasized the other components of the selection process are carefully included in the selection process guidelines. (NJHS Handbook, 15th edition)

NJHS Selection Process for Aurora Academy

1. Students are eligible to be members of the National Junior Honor Society based on a minimum of cumulative 3.5 grade point average, with no C’s in an academic course to apply for membership and must remain with the same measurements once he/she is a member. (This average is determined by our Infinite Campus Grading System, and specials are not included in this average.)  Students also must have attended Aurora Academy Charter School for a minimum of 1 semester.

2. A letter is sent home to parents and students explaining to them that they are eligible and need to pick up a packet from Mrs. DeLawyer. All forms within the information packet are due to Mrs. DeLawyer by the assigned date and time. If they are not turned in the student is no longer eligible for membership.

3. The Faculty Council will then review each student’s packet of information and make recommendation for allowing or not allowing student to be inducted. This information is not provided to parents or students.

4. The final list of eligible students is generated and letters are sent home to parents and students acknowledging their acceptance or non-acceptance for membership into the National Junior Honor Society.

5. Accepted students MUST be present at the acceptance ceremony for induction.

Maintaining Membership in the National Junior Honor Society

1. Members must attend all scheduled meetings.

2. Members must participate in National Junior Honor Society Community Service events.

3. Members must maintain a minimum of cumulative 3.5 grade point average, with no C’s in an academic course. This is checked at the end of each quarter. Students are given 1 quarter grace period if their average falls below a 3.5 to bring their cumulative average to the required 3.5 average. The GPA cannot fall below 3.0 at any time to remain a member of the NJHS.

4. Members who receive a demerit for a serious offense will be placed on probation and then dismissal from the National Junior Honor Society could occur if not rectified. This is a direct breach of the oath that students take and the standards that are set by National Junior Honor Society and Aurora Academy Charter School.

5. Students who fail to participate and do not meet the responsibility of scholarship, service, leadership and character throughout the academic year will have their membership terminated at the end of the school year.

6. At the end of the academic year, each member will meet with the adviser to evaluate their performance based on the criteria for membership in the Aurora Academy Charter chapter. Both the adviser and the member will sign the evaluation.

7. Current members will help to induct new members and will be acknowledged for their hard work and commitment to school and the community.

Discipline and Dismissal Procedures

 A member can never be dismissed automatically for failing to maintain standards, not meeting member obligations, or even being found guilty of violating school rules or the law. Article X, Section 4, of the Constitution of the National Junior Honor Society states that a written notification and hearing are called for and must be conducted by the Faculty Council to dismiss a member.

1. A member will be subject to dismissal if he/she does not maintain the standards of scholarship, leadership, service, citizenship, and character that were used as the basis for his/her selection.

2. A member can be considered for dismissal when performance falls below the acceptable levels of any of the standards by which the student was selected, when the member fails to fulfill chapter obligations, or when the member is found guilty of violating school rules or the law. Additionally, repeated uniform violations and behaviors prohibited by the Student Code of Conduct may also result in dismissal of a member.

3. The student and parents will be warned in writing whenever he/she falls below any standard.

4. The Faculty Council can select to discipline a member by placing him/her on warning, during which time he/she is considered not in good standing with the chapter, although technically still retaining membership.

5. The Faculty Council will determine when an individual has exceeded a reasonable number of warnings, thus warranting consideration of dismissal.

6. Only members who are in good standing will be allowed to wear the Society’s emblem or to participate in any NJHS activity.

7. Members will be allowed limited warnings during their membership. In the case of flagrant violation of school rules or the law, a warning is not required for dismissal, but a hearing will still be held. The hearing is identified in the NJHS constitution as a right of membership; is guaranteed as due process as identified by the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution; and requires the chapter to notify the member of the action being contemplated, the reasons for the action, the date and time of the hearing, and the opportunity for the member to respond either in writing or orally. A parent or guardian may be present with the member; however, the primary focus of the hearing is to allow the member to present his or her case.

8. A student who is dismissed or who resigns is never again eligible for membership in NJHS.

9. If a member is dismissed, written notice of the decision will be sent to the member, his or her parents, and the principal. The member must then surrender the NJHS emblem and membership card to the chapter adviser.

10. Appeals of dismissal are to be handled first by the school principal and, thereafter, in the same fashion as disciplinary appeals in the student’s school district.

11. A member who resigns from the NJHS will never again be eligible for membership or its benefits. Resignation from the NJHS should involve the submission of a written statement by the resigning member that is dated and signed by both the student and his or her parents/guardians.

Aurora Academy Charter School NJHS Commitments

  1. Up hold great Scholarship (3.5 GPA), Character, Leadership, Service, and Citizenship
  2. Attend all Mandatory Meeting which will take place before school once a month in Ms. Stallings’ classroom.
  3. Attend NJHS fieldtrips
  4. Complete at least two service projects with the club
  5. Take on leadership roles when needed
  6. Be an active participant


Understand the Obligations of NJHS Membership

NJHS is more than just an honor society. In addition to sustaining the qualities that earn you your membership, as an NJHS member you'll attend society meetings, perform service projects that benefit your school and communities, and fulfill any other responsibilities as required by your local chapter's bylaws.